What we do never forget

I sometimes forget something. I just try to remember. I sometimes have a very short memory about something. I also forget that I’m in China, and South Korea occasionally. I am not sure whether I am South Korean, Chinese, or mixed… 

According to the news, I heard that Shin Young-bok who wrote a book, ‘A deep though from prison,’ passed away. I read his last book, ‘Conversation,’ on October. According to his book, a dot does not change into a line… (I don’t know this is right. I can’t remember it.) 

I just got to know about a real relationship between him and history through the newspaper, but I couldn’t say that I totally understood it. I didn’t read his book thoroughly because this was a story that I never experienced and expected. I just read the book half-heartedly. 

I will carefully read his two books again if I go back to South Korea. This might be the last manner for him. I will eat stir-fried anchovies and drink Soju tonight. 
Just pray for him… 
