Take it easy and live better

Reading a book gives you food? No, it is not true. It just makes your life interesting and food delicious. I have recently brought two books with me and read them alternately. One book is ‘Different’ written by Moon Young-mi, and the other is Kim Jin-sun’s book, ‘Take it easy and live better.’ 

While reading two books at the same time, I feel that they are really different. The book, ‘Different,’ includes several keywords about how to put differentiation on goods compared with other companies or products and create a new session. The topic of the other book, ‘Take it easy and live better,’ is just the same as the title. Those two books seem different but same. It is really interesting to read three or four books at the same time.

In particular, I feel enjoyable to read the books because they are similar and different to my recent thought. I think I want to put ‘take it easy and live better’ into practice just once in my life like the book written by Kim Jin-sun. In fact, if a life goal is to be better off, I can just think of one thing. However, the rich are not eating six meals a day. 

Nonetheless, I had a bitter contest in Yiwu to make a lot of money… It seems a tough life. While reading her book, I followed her concerns and felt sympathy with her. Then, I closed the book. A few days later, I will read this book again. I usually check the book’s table of contents rather than its title when I choose a book. Selecting a book only with seeing its title has a high rate of failure. 

After several failures, I take a close look at the book’s table. Many people might do like this to choose a book. I usually buy as few as five or six books and as many as ten at once, but I don’t read several things out of them. However, I strive for reading books once a month. It is really difficult to take it easy and live better because of greed. I should do my best on doing so. 
I feel really great about reading a nice book. I just seem to be like that. 
